Hi guys.
Baby has a fever. She is napping in her own crib as of yesterday. I therefore would like to proclaim the entire universe as mine. Rockin' that baby not sleeping in my bed with a 2 foot nipple stretched into her mug.
I'm sick too. But everything is coming up Rocco. Huh.
I am sure I tempt fate. I am sure I invite the Gremlins to wreck my fragile victory. I'm still going to talk about it.
Toddlerina is ruling her kingdom with a kind and generous heart.
The children. They fight a little less. The time outs, time ins, quiet moments, slow down times, whatever the fuck I call them this wk. They come less frequently.
I can plop slow moving baby in room with big children and not fear for her safety for up to 7 minutes.
Sticker charts, they reward. Coupons doled out. Prizes, they are claimed.
Oh yeah.
I read Jay the donor egg book finally. Toddlerina, er, Kindergartenina, was listening in. She heard Jaybird was from an egg. She started screaming and calling him an alien.
He was delighted.