Friday, November 8, 2013

Roger that.

Any chance you saw Gravity?  (Not a spoiler.)

I like how she learned to say "Roger that" when she fully expected a response, but didn't get one.  She carried on like she had heard the words she wanted to hear.

I belted this out in the car a couple weeks ago when I was riding high on the confidence of vomit in my toilet.  I heard the acoustic version on the way to the appointment this morning.

We are all good.  Heartbeat found.

They say I must be one of the wonders
Of God's own creation
And as far as they can see they can offer
No explanation

With love, with patience and with faith
Her Momma will make her way


  1. Praise God!!! I am SO happy to hear this!!!

  2. Can't say ditto to Praise God, so Praise God! Who would have thought you'd be getting these comments?

    Don't get the Gravity reference, but I can hear Natalie Merchant singing these lines to "Wonder". Love your adaptation, Momma Roccie!

  3. AMAZING. Simply amazing and wonderful news.
    I'm so thrilled for you, Roccie. And for your growing family.

  4. Yay!!! Keep the good news coming, little one!

  5. Happy happy news :o) sending big hugs to all of you!! Xoxo.

  6. Wonderful news!! I'm so happy for you.

  7. I'm not sure how I managed to miss both of these posts until now. I am incredibly behind, I apologize. I'm so glad the appointment went well. I love you and hope you're breathing a little bit. <3

  8. Wow! Fantastic!! SO excited for you.

  9. woo-hoo, so happy for you!!! Glad that all continues to progress well with this pregnancy! Wishing you continued strength & peace

  10. I've been smiling to myself over this joyful news for days, but am finally making it over to say HOOOOOOOOORAY!
