Tuesday, April 12, 2011


We have a heartbeat, 134 bpm.

We have a due date, December 1.

I will graduate from my RE after 2 more visits.

I am *not* considered high risk this time. What.

Notes for folks in the trenches:

- I never felt implantation.
- My boobs never hurt.
- I never felt sick, but my appetite is smaller.
- I had a couple wipes where I saw something, brown. It lasted 2 days.
- I don't feel crazy tired.
- I do get up to pee in the night.
- My boobs are bigger, but not that impressive.

Hold tight to your faith and hope. You cannot call your own pregnancy from the sidelines. I thought it had failed. Sure seems absurd to have wasted all that time and energy worrying.

I feel a little in shock. My RE was giddy. I cannot wait to hit giddy!


  1. Hooray! Here's to some sagittarius babies for the two of us!

  2. WOOOHOOOO!!! This is wonderful news, Roccie! I can't wait to see you reach giddy. I reckon you are on your way. I am so excited for you and for Rocco, and just so excited for Toddlerina. I was an only child, a pretty lonely one at that, so it always makes me happy to hear when kids are getting siblings.
    Enjoy this blissful news, Roccie. A December baby sounds so wonderful.

  3. I'M GIDDY! Hopefully it will be contagious...

    This is so fantastic. Only a million more hurdles left, but no reason to think you won't sail over them.

  4. yaay!!! lovely news!! giddy will come along very very soon :o) soak it in! xoxoxoxo.

  5. yippeee!!! Congrats on the HB and the news!

  6. So so so happy for you all. Congratulations!!

  7. I don't even have the words to express how happy I am for you!

    And thanks for sharng your (lack of) symptoms. You'll no doubt provide reassurance to some poor reader going crazy in the 2WW.

  8. This. Seriously. Rocks. And I am so giddy for you (along with everyone else). I think we more than make up for it. But it will be more fun when you are giddy too ;)

    (This is Abracadabra Baby... it won't recognize my "credentials" right now)

  9. HOLY MOLEY! You've got a critter. This is fantabulous news and I am doing a wee jig for you. (Imagine a funky moonwalk followed by a backflip...yeah...like I can do that? Nah, but I would try just to show you how overjoyed I am by your news!)

  10. Congratulations!! I am so happy for you. And thanks so much for the encouragement to us still "in the trenches". It actually helps a LOT that you didn't have any of the normal symptoms. You're the sweetest.

  11. Awesome news! Worrying always seems so crucial ... till it's not. Almost time to be giddy.

  12. Yes! Yes! Yes!!!! Awesome news! So psyched for you, now you'll need to come up with a nickname for the little one.

  13. F*ck Yeah! That is awesomeness at it's most awesome! December 1st will be a great day!

  14. Fantastic News!!!! So excited for you!!!

  15. Hells yeah! So happy for you, and hoping to see you giddy-up soon.

  16. So, so pleased for you - that is fantastic news! Oh - and I promise I will get round to a new post and some more photos!

  17. Awesome Roccie!!! You'll hit giddy when you are darn ready to hit giddy...on Roccie's own terms. It sucks I know but I was the same way until about week 12. Hell last night we assembled LN10's room (still putting final touches on) and at Week 26 I felt a flood of fear just wondering when the shoe is going to drop now that the room is ready. I balled my eyes out...stupid fear. but don't beat yourself up...day by day. But you know all that crap...just hang tight!

  18. This is the best news!!!! It totally just made my day, too! I am so happy for you!

  19. Just googling for blissful+awesome+giddy in blogs and found this blog. Well not exactly but this is my first comment on your blog. Congratulations, Rocci, happy for the blessing growing inside of you. To echo one comment, it was sweet of you the same day to share why you were stressed and anxious since your transfer to help those either in that boat now or soon to be keep hope going.

  20. Congratulations! That's just wonderful news! :)

  21. Congratulations, momma! So happy for you and your family :) I hope you have smooth sailing for the next seven(?) months!!

  22. Giddy will come, happy will come, and the tiredness will come too!
    We have tried to control so much for so long and it goes to show, we don't have it! Yeah for Dec 1, yeah for year of the Rabbit babies, yeah for you and yours!

  23. Awe, Roccie...so thrilled for you!!! As you so perfectly said, continue to hold tight to your faith & hope that all will continue smoothly & enjoy it when you hit giddy!!! Congratulations my fabulous pregnant friend:)

  24. omg omg omg omg !

    What a great day. What a great heartbeat. Don't worry about giddy. I have giddy to spare. Your giddy will get there.

  25. Such wonderful news! Congrats!!!

  26. Hi Roccie. I'm Abracadabra Baby's mom. I've been reading your blog for some time now and you crack me up. I'm so, so pleased for you! Wonderful.

  27. Congratulations. You must be ecstatic!

  28. Yahooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

  29. Yeeehawwwwww! I am giddy giddy giddy. You are so knocked up, it's not even funny. I am so happy for you!

  30. YAHOO!!!!!! So excited for you!!!!

  31. I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ this post.

  32. Roccie! The day has come. What amazing news to read. Congratulations! I will be keeping you guys in my heart and sending smooth sailing vibes all the way. This is awesome.

  33. WHOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! COngrats Roccie! This is so fantastic. Best wishes and many hugs (Tippy)

  34. Great, great news! A pleasant sort of shock.

    And thanks for the reminder about not sensing anything so early on. I will file it for later.

  35. congrats my darling friend. Best news ever.
