Thursday, May 19, 2011

No evidence of disease

We had another scan today; belly style, no wand.  It was positively liberating.

No sign of the SCH.

I asked if I was still high risk.  My regular OB was out for this appointment.  I had my #1 Backup OB.

She jumped immediately to The Birth Plan.  I sense a lot of concern that I might want to pursue VBAC, but that is beside the point.

The real point is I think I am just your Average Joe Pregnant Woman.  I do not bear the marks of High Risk to this OB, unless she starts thinking birth plan.  I flat out asked her, "But what about now?  What about getting to the delivery?  Are you concerned about that?"

"Oh, gosh no," says #1 Backup OB.

If you found my blog searching for subchorionic hematoma, I am really sorry.  I wish you were looking up snacks to settle your stomach instead.  

Man alive, SCH is some scary business that can really terrify you and everyone around you.  Try to sit tight and try to think positive.

And, uh, do not read my past blog entries as an example....


  1. confetti explosion, frenetic clapping, glowing smile and squeals of joy, non-alcoholic bubbly popping. Just wanted to describe the scene over here after reading your blog post. Let's just say I'm a little bit delighted that the villain SCH has left town. WOOHOO!

    p.s. sorry I've been such a poopy commenter lately. I am still with you in thought, even when I am not on the interweb.

  2. Kayso, I can't top Augusta's party, but i promise a fat chocolate chip cookie in my celebration corner. Holy Fagioli, BIRTH plan. i do like the sound of this and if you lose the being "high" bit, well, that sounds righteous.

    The wandy is like a very bad boyfriend indeed, I can't wait for everyone to leave him behind like the bad habit he is. Good riddance.

  3. No margarita tonight. But one Busch Lite consumed and another one that has my name on it. Actually I don't have to put my name on it. The hubby isn't interested in Busch Lite for some reason! Existentially Happy! Not sure what that means but seems to apply especially with my low tolerance and a Busch Lite doing the word selection.

  4. Hooray for the disappearing SCH!

    I was so not ready for my OB to start talking VBAC a couple weeks ago...

  5. Yeehaaaaa! I hope your SCH went wherever mine went! Good riddance to that. This is just very exciting.

  6. Can I get a, "What! What!" Amen, Roccie! This is fabulous news!

  7. Squeeeee! Happy dance time!

  8. Soooo glad SCH is gone!

  9. Gosh no - now that's a good thing to hear from the doc.

  10. Great news! Yay for being Average Joe Pregnant Woman! :-)

  11. SWEET! No more high-riskiness for Roccie! : D

  12. Welcome to normalville. It's a scary place to hang out.

  13. Hells YEAH! Here's to an utterly boring, garden variety, run-of-the-mill pregnancy from here on in.

    And here's my birth plan suggestion: get the baby out. I know, not very helpful, but straightforward enough. I think the only major requirement for a VBAC is that you can progress without induction, no? So if you haven't gone into labor by week 39, or you spontaneously go into labor and don't progress after a reasonable amount of time (after getting an epidural, so that you A) have pain relief and B) are ready for a C if need be), you get the C. There, I solved your problem. You're welcome.

    In all seriousness, you have some time on the birth plan. Maye you can tell your OB you're not ready to commit to anything until, say, 32 weeks or something. Until then, just enjoy your totally normal and uneventful pregnancy.


  14. whoop whoop for the disappearing sch. big relief. that is about as scary a mofo as i can imagine in pregnancy. weird to be told you're just a normal, everyday pregnant woman, yes? i still insist on being treated like i'm *special* though :o) hope your mind is relaxed and you are enjoying every minute of this pregnancy :o) xoxo.

  15. Hey Roccie, I have been reading for awhile and I wanted to say I am so glad the SCH resolved itself, I had one with my son that resolved itself.

    I had a csection with my son after going to 42 weeks, water breaking after Cervadil, 29 hr labor with Pitocin, and progression to only 6cm (his head turned to the left when my water broke before labor started.) Then I went on to have a very fast labor and VBAC delivery with my daughter 15 months later. I had no issues with rupture, etc. They watched me closely, I had doula and was "induced" with a folley bulb at 40wks 5 days with no pitocin or meds. Healthy mom and baby are the most important, but most women don't realize another csection is actually much more risky in many cases and each time raises the risk of placenta previa, accretia, etc.

    If you want to ask me anything, feel free to email me at


  16. "Oh, gosh no." I love that. I think that's what you should repeat to yourself when scary images start crowding your mind.

    Mega congrats on the departure of the SCH. I a hoping for a stress-free ride from here on out!

  17. So completely thrilled and overjoyed for you to hear that the awful SCH is gone!!! It's about damn time things start going well for you, now on to a completely drama free rest of this pregnancy!!!

  18. That is awesome. When we get to Chicago area, we are definitely stopping by to say hi and have a play date with the kids. I am so excited for you!

  19. Average Joe Pregnant Woman: I love the sound of that. I LOVE IT.
