Big drum roll, I am 40 now.
It is a milestone birthday. I believe I am obligated to stop, take inventory and assess my life at a nice round number like this. Eek.
You get a lot of hassle from anyone who is not 40. It is hard to find a sympathetic ear.
If you are younger than 40, you think "age is just a number". If you are older than 40, you think I am bitching about being "old". Only my buddies from high school get it, old farts that they are.
It has been tough timing. I am souped up on my new medication. Not a big fan. It makes me queasy and I have a really hard time sleeping. Really hard, like flip the pillow for the cold side and end up performing previously mentioned life analysis. Every night. Several times a night.
I had to travel for work just after my birthday. Just me - no coworkers. Lame. I miss Toddlerina so badly I cannot see straight. Get me home. I wanted to participate in the conference, but I was disconnected.
Hrumpf. I head into the psychaitrist next week. Hopefully we can sort this out. I feel better but I cannot say I feel good. Now I know I am depressed. I have the world going for me but I want more. And less. And different.
Here is another thought. What if in my honesty I give a bad rap for recipents of donor eggs? What if I scare off potential donors? What if they read this and think recipients are unstable?
Crap. I really don't think I am unstable, but I am not myself. Hard to explain.
A couple housekeeping issues:
If you could not get the video due to my poor imbedding skills, please click the following link. It cracks me up just thinking about it.
I would al so like to formally introduce and thank my friend
Lady Pumpkin of Planting a Pumpkin Patch.
She is the Pumpkin I so fondly celebrated in my last post. I thought I was being clever in the way I talked about her, figuring everyone knew her. If you don't, drop by and get to know her. She is a nutter and takes good care of me. You would be lucky to have her on your side as well.
Best wishes on your POAS Pumpkin.... you will POAS, I assume???